Friday, May 20, 2016

About Follow The Crowd

  .Let's start with a thank for all the visualizations that I received,'re freaking awesome!!I'm really excited about this and this is making me keep postings.
  .So, about a time ago I've been thinking about some stuff that is really freaking me out. The major one is this feeling, that, I need to follow the crowd, like: finish high school, graduate in a renowned university, and have a renowned job, buy a car, marry with someone cool with a good jog too, buy a cool house, build a family, then, die. Don't you think that have life already mapped out for you even before you were born is one of the cruelest things you can do to a person? We are here to explore, find new ways to live our lives, the way that we want to live it!
 .After all of these thoughts you ask me "Right, so what do you wanna do?". Yeah...that's the thing: I have no idea!! I think all the time about all those professions out there just waiting to be discovered and and I still believe that there is no profession that matches with what I can do, what I do and what I want to be.
  .I want to explore the world, know new people every day, learn languages and culture. I want the best years of my life are all of them, can you understand? But, besides of all this I want to love, and enjoy every moment of my job and lifestyle.
  .In the middle of journey for answers I found this video that opened my eyes. I won't tell you anything about the video, I'll just let you watch with your mind open, without my resolution and opinion. Yeah, It's that kind of video. So, if you are in the same constant collision situation with yourself, like me, watch this video and absorb everything that makes sense to you and live it!

                        Click Here And Watch The Video That May Change Your Life

  .Thanks for your time and share this post with everybody!

                                                                                               With hungry,
                                                                                               Hawk: The free bird.

                                                                                               Cambio, desligo.

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